Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Are you ready for eternity???
A man was idling his bike before going to work, and quickly went back into the house to get his lunchbox. Unfortunately, he did not make it back – he died of a heart attack in the hallway. I am sure his plans for the day, and the weekend, etc. were made…but was he ready for eternity?
You can’t just go on Pension, there is a lot of planning, calculating, changes, etc. you need to make. You need to make sure you will be able to live the retired life you always dreamed of.
You need to plan, prepare and make the necessary changes in your life and relationships to ensure that your ticket to heaven is booked…Jesus already paid for it.
Do not waste your time and effort on the wrong things or relationships which will drive you further from God. You need to prioritize your relationship with Jesus, you need to make sure, first and foremost, that you are ready should your eternity start NOW. And then you need to make sure that every single person you love is also prepared for when their time comes.
If you are longing for a life without heartache and pain, filled with peace, joy and love – you need to repent and start living for God TODAY. Your life on earth will not drastically become better, but you will experience so much more peace and happiness, because you will never be alone again. God will bless you with what you need, every single day.
BELIEVE ME, it is very difficult to explain to you how good God is for me, how he blesses me, protects me and provides for me. I just want everyone to experience what I experience every day.
Life has no meaning without God, without His purpose for your life, without eternity to look forward to...make sure you are ready!
My prayer is that if you are not ready yet, that you will make it your priority to get prepared for eternity with God.
“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.”
Matthew 24:44 NLT
