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Isaiah 42:20 | You do not listen

You have received messages, you have heard about the Lord, you know what awaits you if you do not repent...but what could be the reason that you do not tremble with fear for God’s wrath and you are not overwhelmed by His love, power and glory?

You know without a doubt that He have saved you, protected you and provided for you more than one time-actually a lot of times.

If you think back, He have saved you from things He warned you about – but you did not listen.

You use the excuse that you are to busy, you are hurt, you have been the victim and need will spend time with God when it is convenient for you but not now or today or this Sunday...maybe next Sunday?

What, where and who would you be if God only guided you, provided for you and protected you when you had the time for Him?

This is definitely not something I want to think about.

Listen to God’s Word, His voice, His signs...He is trying to guide and protect you.

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