You make time to talk to God, but do you make time to listen to Him?
You pray for so many things and think that God does not answer you. But He sends people and signs through His creation which you miss because you focus on the wrong things.
The moment you open your eyes you receive your first blessing and it doesn’t stop until you open your eyes again the next morning. You miss all the blessings in between because you are spoiled. You take everything for granted. You expect things that you do not deserve.
God is good, He is faithful and even when you are ungrateful He doesn’t change, He doesn’t stop being good to you and He doesn’t stop communicating with you. You just need to open your senses to hear, see and experience God through His creation.
“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts”
Hebrews 3:15 (NIV)
