God has a perfect plan for your life. But because you do not always make the right decisions, you go through hard times. Sometimes you might think that God has forgotten you…but He did not.
When you get a strange feeling that something does not sound right or feel right – then it might be the Holy Spirit trying to warn you.
If you have not communicated your plans to God, prayed before you started and prayed over them, then know that without God it will be much more difficult to achieve anything.
With His blessings, the road forward will not magically be without potholes and pain…but with God you will receive what you need – it does not matter if it is strength, or food, or guidance – anything you need (not want) will be provided so that you will get through the day.
Life just makes more sense with God by your side. If you have not invited Him into your life, or into a relationship or shared your aspirations with Him, you need to do that asap.
I cannot emphasize this enough. Life without God, is you, creating unnecessary pain and problems for yourself. With God you will never be alone, and you will experience peace and joy in a world where the norm is stress, panic and loneliness.
You are welcome in my life. You are welcome in every relationship, in every conversation, in everything I plan and everything I undertake.
I need You every second of every day. Thank You for accepting me just the way I am.
I love You Lord
In Jesus’ Name
“You, Lord, are all I have, and You give me all I need; my future is in Your hands. How wonderful are Your gifts to me; how good they are! I praise the Lord, because He guides me, and in the night my conscience warns me. I am always aware of the Lord's presence; He is near, and nothing can shake me. And so, I am thankful and glad, and I feel completely secure”
Psalm 16:5-9
