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  • Writer's picture#ChildOfGod

Mark 13:33 | Be on guard! Be alert!

#ChildOfGod What if God is giving all of us time to get our relationship with Him in order...before the second coming. You have the time now to spend in His Word, in prayer and to get your life back within God’s plan and purpose. There is no hectic schedules, no tasks that needs your urgent attention...there is nothing keeping you away from God. Something to think about... What if Jesus is coming back today...will you be ready? Will your family and friends be ready? If there is any doubt, you have work to do. Do not leave the most important decision of your life to the last minute, you do not know when your time is up or when a family member’s or friend’s time is up. Be selfish, for you and everyone you know. You want to spend eternity with God and you want to take all your family and friends with you. The time to be in God's Will, to be under His wing and to spread the Good News is here and now. Be ready!!!

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