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  • Writer's picture#ChildOfGod

Mark 14:36 | Yet not what I will, but what You will

#ChildOfGod Jesus knew His purpose, He chose His purpose but even He needed God the Father. He knew that God the Father could take away His cup...but Jesus still asked that His Will be done because as a human Jesus still needed God. You might feel that you had enough and that God needs to do something fast. ...He already did, the victory is the Lord's. God gave us Jesus. Jesus needed to die to serve His purpose, but that was not the end. That was the beginning. His sacrifice paved a way to eternal life for me and for you. Jesus went from the cross, to the grave, but He arose and reigns. If God had taken away Jesus' cup, we would have no hope and no future. Not all storms will be taken from you, but you will definitely not go through the storms alone. God will protect you, He will provide for you and He will guide you. Stay on your knees, seek God as Jesus sought God. Have faith in a loving but powerful Father. God is in control!

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