#ChildOfGod No one is perfect, and everyone has made mistakes in their life. Therefore, do not judge others by the choices they have made in the past and do not be too hard on yourself for mistakes you have made in the past. You are not in the past and you are definitely not the person you were in the past. Strive to be better than the person you were yesterday, strive to become the person God created you to be. If you fail, then pray that God will give you the strength to try again, to try harder. The closer you get to your purpose and to God, the harder the enemy will fight to keep you in your past. Your past has been forgiven, washed away with Jesus’ own blood. Do not go back there, learn from your mistakes-do not repeat them! The enemy will fight hard, so that you will fail, but don’t give up...stand up and try again, but this time with God. Keep your eyes on God!
